Welcome to the Ministry of Discipleship student page. This course is taught at Heritage College and Seminary in Cambridge Ontario. The next instalment of this class is September to December 2021 semester. Here you will find the notes, PowerPoints and other resources related to the course.
Lecture 1-Introduction. PowerPoint
Lecture 2-The OT Picture of Discipleship. PowerPoint
Lecture 3-Gospels and Acts. PowerPoint
Lecture 4-Discipleship the Jesus Way. PowerPoint
Lecture 5-Epistles and Church History. PowerPoint
Lecture 6-The Church's Discipleship Tension. PowerPoint
Lecture 7-One to Another. PowerPoint
Lecture 8-Models: Small Groups. PowerPoint
Lecture 9-Models: Sermon-Based Groups. PowerPoint
Lecture 10-Virtual Reality-Part 1. PowerPoint
Lecture 11-Virtual Reality-Part 2. PowerPoint
Lecture 12-Walking with Jesus in a Hostile World. PowerPoint