Book Review of Tim Irwin's, Impact

May 14, 2014

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Preference or Prescription?

May 07, 2014

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A Leader's Trojan Horse

April 23, 2014

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The Ten Things I Would Tell My Younger Self Going Into Ministry-Part 2

The Ten Things I Would Tell My Younger Self Going Into Ministry-Part 2

April 09, 2014

In my last post I gave the first 5 of the list. In this post I want to give you the 5 remaining lessons I would tell my younger self. Here they are, and again, these are not in any order of importance.

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The Ten Things I Would Tell My Younger Self Going Into Ministry-Part 1

The Ten Things I Would Tell My Younger Self Going Into Ministry-Part 1

April 01, 2014

They say that hindsight is 20/20, or that life is best understood in the rear-view mirror. Most of us have experienced that moment where we say to ourselves, I wish I knew what I was getting into when I started.

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The Key Ingredients to a Vibrant Sermon-Based Small Group Ministry

The Key Ingredients to a Vibrant Sermon-Based Small Group Ministry

March 25, 2014

In this post I want to stress some of the key ingredients needed to raise small groups beyond mediocrity and make them a significant and vibrant part of your church.

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Why Sermon Based Small Groups Are Your Best Option

Why Sermon Based Small Groups Are Your Best Option

March 11, 2014

September marks the start of fall-programming in many churches. For us, its the launch of our Life Group ministry after the summer hiatus. I've become a staunch advocate for sermon-based Life Groups and hope this post will help you to consider this option when thinking of how to structure your small group ministry (called Life Groups in our context).

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What Great Teachers Have in Common

What Great Teachers Have in Common

February 05, 2014

I recently came across an excerpt from a forthcoming book that gave me pause. I must have read it at least four times and still could not for the life of me figure out what the person was trying to say.

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