June 07, 2016
"New Contemporary Worship Service
It then gave a date and time for this new offering. As far as I could tell the church had even rented the sign to make this special announcement. Though I'm sure the church has good intentions, it left me feeling frustrated. Here's why. A sign proclaiming new contemporary worship in 2016 is a little akin to announcing new rotary dial up phone service to millennials! It will simply get zero traction. I personally was saddened to see the sign because it reflected so clearly the deep disconnect some churches have with the reality around them. As important as worship is to the believing community, the same cannot be said for those outside it. And if you care in the least about being an effective Great Commission church we've got to get away from models that are at best twenty years old (I'm being generous). As I wrote recently, there are three reasons people bother to seek out a church in the first place. You can read the reasons here. So what's wrong with the sign you ask? Here are three major ones for starters:Comments will be approved before showing up.
May 13, 2020 2 Comments
April 29, 2020 13 Comments
There's nothing like a pandemic to bring out the best and the worst in people. I can't say I'm surprised, these things have a way of showing people's true colours and where their confidence, or can I say, suspicions, lie.
What is disheartening is what I'm seeing and hearing from those who claim to be followers of Jesus, Worse yet, are those who hold leadership platforms who are using them in ways that is, at least in my mind, not only disheartening, but downright embarrassing.
April 16, 2020 3 Comments
This is my newest grandson, Noah. I already have scads of pictures of him even though he just turned two months old, but this one is my favourite.
For a time I couldn't figure out why it rose to the top, but after one gruelling day of trying to manage life in the midst of a pandemic it suddenly hit me.